EOFT 23/24


©Sophie Planque

The Great Traverse

Adventure in the Americas: Biking from Alaska to Patagonia

The Americas by Bike: Sophie Planque and Jérémy Vaugeois cycle from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. During the two and a half years they spent traversing the Americas, Sophie photo-documented the captivating landscapes of North, South, and Central America as well as their encounters with a diversity of people she and Jérémy meet along the way. By the end of their journey, the two gained a deeper knowledge of not only these continents and their inhabitants but also themselves.

Film information

Length: 31 min (EOFT edit)
Direction: Sophie Planque
With: Sophie Planque, Jérémy Vaugeois
Production: France, 2020

Soundtrack: Link to Spotify


Triple Edge

Winter trilogy on Salbitschijen: 3 ridges in 45 hours

The two mountain guides and alpinists Michi Wohlleben and Lukas Hinterberger have set an extraordinary alpine challenge for themselves. They aim to make the first ascent of the three ridges of the Salbitschijen in winter. This means they are in for a lofty adventure at an altitude of almost 3000 meters.

Film information

Length: 15 min
Direction: Nikolaus Mahatsek, Paula Flach
With: Michael "Michi" Wohlleben, Lukas Hinterberger
Production: Switzerland, Germany, 2023

972 Breakdowns

Five friends aim to motorcycle overland from Germany to New York

Johannes, Elisabeth, Efy, Anne, and Kaupo just finished their art studies and want to see the world, experience foreign cultures, and gather new impressions.

They set off for New York on four classic Ural sidecar motorcycles. From Halle (Germany), they travel through Eastern Europe, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia to Russia’s far north. From there they cross the Bering Strait to the American continent. Along the way, they are interrupted by countless breakdowns of their old and unreliable machines.

Film information

Length: 37 min (EOFT edit)
Direction: Daniel von Rüdiger
With: Johannes Fötsch, Kaupo Holmberg, Anne Knödler, Elisabeth Oertel, Efy Zeniou
Production: Germany, 2020
©Santiago Burin des Roziers

The Nine Wheels

Mountain biking family: Overcoming obstacles

Emric (10) and Raoul (13) Schneeberger know almost every bike park in Europe; the two boys and their parents Toni and Laetitia never stay in one place for long. The family lives in a large mobile home so Emric and Raoul can train in a different area every few days. But there is a shadow over their idyllic mountain biking lifestyle: Laetitia suffers from a neurodegenerative disease and has increasing motor limitations. Because of this, the family has decided to abscond from conventional life and live entirely in the here and now.

Film information

Length: 20 min
Direction: Santiago Burin des Roziers
With: Laetitia Schneeberger, Toni Schneeberger, Emric Schneeberger, Raoul Schneeberger
Production: Great Britain, 2022
©Antoine Girard

Summits in the Sky

Paragliding in the Karakoram: Antoine Girard wants to fly high

The team led by French paraglider Antoine Girard sets course for the Karakoram and explores the airspace between the region's mighty eight- and seven-thousand-meter peaks. Although oxygen quickly becomes scarce at high altitudes, the team is within reach of a new paragliding altitude record.

Film information

Length: 11 min (EOFT edit)
Direction: Bertrand Delapierre
With: Antoine Girard, Francois Ragolski
Production: Germany, France, 2023
©Aurele Mayol


Snowboarding betwixt reverie and reality

Snowboarder Camille Armand is known for his hard-charging yet finessed riding style. A Chamonix local since he was a teen, the 30-year-old leaves the freeride circuit behind then bursts back onto the scene as a wildcard in Norway's Lyngen Alps where Monsieur Armand's flair for riding powder is on full display—and big-screen worthy.

Film information

Length: 7 min
Direction: Antoine Frioux
With: Camille Armand
Production: France, 2023